We are threebrothers, Joseph,Vincentand Angelo, supermotor enthusiasts, racingand vintage cars.
At eachrestorationsince the 70s, our little500have been numberedandcatalogedallofyour changes, accompanied bypersonaltechnical report,andaccompaniedby photographstoevery advanceof the restoration.
In oursporting history, webuilt fourracing cars, including onestill inour possession, witha longracing history.
Our worksince the seventieswasalwaysin restoringcars,Fiat, AlfaRomeo, Lancia, BMW,Ferrari, Maserati, and many otherbrands. Butafter severalyearsof business, weare fullydedicatedto the recovery andrestoration of thesmallFiat500.
To date, we haverestored“530″ Fiat500of eachtype, DLFR Wagon,derivatives andcustom-built. Ahigh numberofrestorations, I think perhaps the only onesin the world, so it can come right in theGuinness World Records.
We are famousall over theworld, especiallyin Japan wherebetween eightyandtwo thousand yearswe haveshippedFiat500custom-builtandrestoredforeach type.
Ourfiat500are all over theworld USA, Japan, Germany, England, France, Australia, identifiedby ourprogressive identificationnumber ofrestoration.
Depending onon customer needs, we canmake any kind ofrestoration,keeping,in all its parts, the car inall its originality; bybolts,to thecolortype ofinternal and external.
We canwidenthe fenders(type595Abarth)without using anykit, but onlywith the skillof artisanstinsmithsdedicatedover 40 yearsto the restoration andcustomizationofthese beautifulcars.
We also specializein the preparationof two-cylinderFiatand Abarthengines,ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, coupons and reviews.
Ourspare parts warehouse, has it all, complete engines, transmissions, newbody parts, accessories,haseverything you are lookingfor yourFiat500.
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